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Inka-Maaria Jurvanen (Finland)

"Laughter Without Laugher"

October 5 - October 27, 2013

History is the story of human, a container.
History is collecting, recording, classifying, organizing. It is letting go and accepting.
History is time locked in as texts, images, statues, monuments. Memories.
Does history contain knowledge? Can we assume things to happen in a certain way also in the future?
Memory is not flawless. Still the wish for a right answer, a cause, a meaning exists.

Who decides what is saved and why, and how. Why is there a search for the "new" from the old that changes and rewrites history. Is it to find an absolute value.
In spite of this motion history sustains its monumentality.
History is a labyrinth you can't get out of.

A private history is I, the self. I am the same as my memories, without memory I do not exist.
Do I remember "correctly". The power I inflict on myself is scary. What do I want to remember. What do I want to forget.
Am I the same as before. If not, am I still responsible for what I did. Do I repent. Am I a victim.
The change, when does it occur. Is it something one can perceive. Maybe I don't suddenly wake up to realize that I have "lived in delusion" or that I have changed.
Maybe I truly am somebody else.

Do I remember others. Who do I know. To know, others and myself, is based on repetition. To recognize repetition is dependent on memory.
I play the role of me and circle around it.

I am all. I can see others disappear, but not thyself. My history never ends.

Pencil and Plywood Are the Best

Inka-Maaria Jurvanen (born 1980) is an artist from Finland, currently based in Helsinki. She has had several solo exhibitions around Finland, participated in International Art Fair in Helsinki and painted murals for bars and private apartments, among other things. 

"Laughter Without Laugher" is her second show in Texas. The first one was in Schulenburg in January 2013.

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